Costs, Funding and Donations
Meeting the Cost of Care
The Manager has Age Scotland information factsheets available which give detailed information. We recommend that professional advice is obtained from an Accountant, Solicitor or Bank Manager.
If individuals require financial help they should first contact their Local Authority Social Services Department in the area where they are regarded as a permanent resident.
Respite care can be considered subject to bed vacancies. An assessment of your care needs would be made by the manager, with the full cost of care being met by the resident.
Funding & Donations
Although the residents of North Argyll Eventide Home are funded by either social services, or privately, the home has to purchase all of its own equipment such as new beds and mattresses, as well as fund the ongoing maintenance, upkeep and development of the Home. In order to achieve this we need to raise the funds to purchase the equipment and to provide high quality care and environment for residents and staff.
How you can help:
- Make a Donation Donations can be made by cheque payable to North Argyll Eventide Home Association, or by bank transfer - please contact us for our bank details.
- Make a regular donation This can be done through a standing order to your bank. Remembering that for every pound you give as a UK taxpayer we can benefit by an extra 25 pence.
- Leave a legacy To leave a legacy in simple terms means leaving a gift from your estate to a charitable organisation of your choice. It also lets your loved ones know what is very dear to you. To view and download our Legacy Leaflet please click here ».